Today was an exciting day! I got to meet my new fourth grade students. One day completed and I was able to remember each student's name.
Chris, Kayley, Aaliyah, Chase, Jonathan, Jerome, Anisha, Austin, Gabriel, Kareem, Jilian, Brett, Mark, Zachery, Ayanna, Dajor, Darren, Jimmy, and Nelson. I am so happy to have all 19 of you in my classroom. Hold on tight! Our fourth grade year has begun!
Today is the first day of school and I can't wait to meet you!

I didn't sleep very well last night, because I was so excited. My mind was so busy with thoughts about the fun school year we have planned. I kept trying to imagine what each of you would be like...

Those jitters that I mentioned yesterday kept coming back... I had so many questions!

I wonder: Will my students like me? Will I be prepared for the day? What if I forget something? Will I be late or get lost on the first day?
Did you share any of the same thoughts?

Even though I'm an adult, my parents still wanted me to have a photo to remember the first day of school. Did someone take your photo this morning before you went to school?

Summer break is now over but don't fret, friends! We will certainly have a fun and exciting 4th grade year together!

I can still remember my first day of 4th  grade back in 1994!

I think our first day went very well. Actually - I think it was AWESOME! Don't you agree?

I was so happy to meet each of you. I really enjoyed getting to know each other and learning so much about you.

What was your favorite part of the day? I think my favorite part of the day was taking a moment to share and discuss our worries and wonders about the first day of school.

I wanted to know how you were feeling about the first day of school, and I'm so glad you felt comfortable sharing your thoughts with me. Many of you shared the same worries and wonders about 4th grade math, making friends, and what your new teacher would be like. I can remember having those same thoughts when I was in the 4th grade.

Your 4th grade year will be one to remember! We will work together to make all subjects fun and engaging! We will also learn more about one another and become better friends. I hope you enjoyed meeting me and I'm sure you're glad I'm not Viola Swamp...

All photo rights belong to Mrs. Leifer. Please do not copy.